After School Clubs / Wrap round care
It has been amazing to see so many children enjoying the after school clubs each day.
All other clubs finish at 4:30pm and collection is from the school playground at the end of clubs.
Please can we remind everyone to label all clothing, if labelled and lost we aim to return to the children's class, otherwise lost property is situated in the school foyer.
Monday morning football returns- Monday 9th January at 7:45 am, please send your child in school uniform and they can change here for the club.
Breakfast Club runs every day from 7:45, and this can be booked using the booking form NMJS Breakfast Club - New Milton Junior School. The cost is £4 per pupil per session and this can be paid via ScoPay.
New Milton Infant School has set up a 'Play & Stay' Club and information on this can be found; Stay and Play After School Club | New Milton Infant School (