Year 4
Year 4 Curriculum Page
We have reached the summer terms, and with this comes topics focused around geography. Beginning with 'No Place like Home', where we will be looking at our local area - especially human geographical features, types of settlements, and then making comparisons with European countries. Later on, children will focus their attention on rivers: formation, journey, features, the River Thames compared to a river in a European country.
EnglishOur English will firstly be based on 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' by C.S. Lewis. Children will continue their diary entry writing from spring in summer, this time writing as Lucy discovering Narnia through the wardrobe. Using character inferences and knowledge, the children will then write a letter as Susan. Later in the term, children will revisit text types they have covered throughout year 4, such as: a narrative, newspaper reports and persuasive writing. These will be linked to 'The Boy Who Swam with Piranhas' by David Almond.
MathsMaths lessons will involve reviewing prior knowledge of fractions before moving onto fractions greater than 1. Later, children will study symmetry in 2D shapes, time and division with remainders.
ScienceIn our first summer term, linked to our topic, we will be exploring the living things and their habitats that are in our locality, including the exploration of classsification / identification keys. In the second term, we will study changes of state, especially in relation to the water cycle which will link nicely with the rivers topic.
What else?In addition to the above, the children will be enjoy and explore: art (printing, painting, collage), PE (cricket, athletics, tennis, orienteering), RE (God Talk, Water as a Symbol), French, computing (spreadsheets, programming), CPSHE and music (Samba drumming). | Key Information in Year 4
Home LearningReading In Year 4 we ask that children read at least 4 times a week at home. This should be recorded in the green communication book. Each week they have an opportunity to choose/change a Project X book and a library book. Please ensure reading books and green communication books come in to school every day.
Other English homework On Friday, children are set a task to complete on Google Classroom. This might be based around grammar, punctuation or reading. Children need to complete the task by the following Friday.
All log in details have been sent home, if you are having problems accessing the home learning, please speak to your child's class teacher.
P.E. KitsPE kits should be in school all week, especially in winter when sessions can be dependent on the weather, and not on a regular day.
Key Dates
4HO Class assembly: 28th April
4WN Class assembly: 5th May
Coronation Celebration: 5th May
Waterwise Workshop: 19th June |