Year 6
Height & Weight Assessment
Year 6 Activity Week 2025
Dear Parent,
I am writing to inform you that unfortunately there will be no Year 6 residential this year. I know this will be a disappointment to many of you but recently, the costs for the London trip have spiralled, increasing from £339 in 2023 to more than £550 in 2025. Numbers attending the trip have also fallen and I am very concerned that the trip no longer offers value for money, particularly when compared with the Year 5 trip to Avon Tyrrell which is 4 nights and costs £260.
As headteacher, I do my best to ensure that experiences are accessible and affordable for all families of New Milton Junior School and I have been unable to source an alternative residential trip in June or July that offers both the children a great experience and you as parents good value for money.
Therefore, I have asked the Year 6 team to create an activity week. It will provide your child with an active, engaging and exciting end to their time here at NMJS and offers very good value for money. Please read the attached letter entitled Year 6 - ‘Ready for anything!’ and complete the attached survey. This will provide us with the information we need to finalise arrangements and calculate final costs.
Your sincerely,
Mr Geary