Year 3
Welcome to the Year 3 page for New Milton Junior School. For the first half of the Spring Term our topic is Ancient Egypt. We will learn about Howard Carter and the discovery of Tutankhamen's burial tomb, as well as research some aspects of life in Ancient Egypt and understand the significance of their achievements.
Our English is inspired by our topic, with the first writing unit based on Varjak Paw, a Mesopotamiam Blue cat, and his quest. This text is full of tension and suspense, and so the aim will be for Year 3 pupils to write in a similar style.
In Maths we continue with multiplication and division, with a focus on problem solving and on multiplying bigger numbers e.g. 2 digits x 1 digit. For this, it is essential that we know our times tables, in particular the 2x, 3x, 5x, 8x, and 10x. We allow some time for times tables practice in class but practising at home is often the key to gaining a secure knowledge of times tables facts.
Our Science topic is Magnets and in PE we will be improving our Gymnastics skills and learning the basics of playing Hockey. Art this term is also inspired by our topic and will include some clay work as well as sketching and drawing.
Our curriculum will also include PSHE, RE and Music, linking with other learning throughout this term.
Just a reminder that all homework is online. Please keep your logins handy. Spellings will be introduced on Monday with a pre-test and set at your level for you to learn. You can practise on your paper list or on Spelling Frame ready for your test on Friday.
MyMaths will be set once a week.
Other opportunities for maths practice are through Century and Times tables Rockstars.
And don't forget to read! As well as Bug Club online, you all have a reading book. Remember to read at least 4 times a week to an adult and ask them to sign your green Reading Diary so that we can give you raffle tickets towards our weekly book draw.